For those of us who are believers, we have been taught that, "...who the Son sets free, is truly free indeed" (John 8:36). Freedom is defined as, "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." (Oxford, 2019). However, I would like to pose the question: Have we truly been living free? For many of us, our freedom has been defined for us through passed down traditions, societal norms defined by other cultures and ethnicities, and even through the fears of our elders and ancestors. Yet,we have been given this great gift of freedom. I believe that for many of us, our invisible chains of bondage that has been instilled in us from our youth, may still hold us hostage from the liberation that was destined. For example, when you dress for work, do you feel free to dress how you truly feel? Or, does that whisper from your life stop you in your tracks and remind you..."Be professional, you can't dress down like everyone else, you will not be taken seriously." Or, even when your spending hours on make-up or grooming, is there an inner voice telling you to "look the part, your natural beauty is not enough... Wait! don't go outside without looking appropriate (although your just running to the mailbox)." This is not freedom and it can be exhausting. For years, I saw myself as two (maybe three) persons. There was the person who I felt trapped into being, the person I was taught to be, and there was the person I envisioned being. Over the past ten years, the person I had envisioned being has been manifesting herself. She has been pushing beyond her fears with persevering faith, but she has also been suppressing parts of herself that has been screaming, "LET ME OUT!" As I prepare to walk into 2020 and begin this new adventure of traveling through a new decade, I plan to truly walk into the freedom that was purchased for me. I will break the chains of familial dysfunctional traditions and societal historical and cultural norms, to walk courageously and boldly into my authentic freedom. #BeFreein2020
Updated: Jan 8, 2020